Doctor of Chemistry

Head of the Chemistry Doctoral Study Program

Dr. Henry Setiayanto

NIP. 19730124 200812 1 002

Program Studi Doktor Kimia ITB (Terakreditasi UNGGUL oleh LAMSAMA 2023-2028 SK NOMOR: 105/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/D/XI/2023. Program studi ini didukung oleh 49 staf pengajar lulusan Program Doktor dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di dunia. Staf yang dapat menjadi promotor mahasiswa doktor sebanyak 15 orang, termasuk 10 Guru Besar. Program ini juga didukung instrumen analisis dan karakterisasi yang modern, fasilitas komputasi, perpustakaan dan akses ke jurnal atau pusat data internasional yang cukup memadai, sehingga mampu menghasilkan output penelitian yang berkualitas.

Since 1992, the ITB Chemistry Doctoral Study Program has produced more than 90 doctors working in various universities and research institutes, some of whom have become Professors. During the same period, this study program has produced around 300 scientific articles in various international journals and seminar proceedings.

The ITB Chemistry Doctoral Study Program has a vision to become a provider of education and research that refers to international standards, whose process and product quality gains international recognition, and becomes one of the references for the direction of the development of chemistry and its applications.

Cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions has been carried out in order to remain at the forefront of chemical science. These institutions include:

  1. Agencies and research institutes such as LIPI, BATAN, PPTM, BI-Ceramics and the Center for Cellulose.
  2. Overseas universities, such as the National University of Malaysia, Malaysia Science University, Malaysia Technology University (Malaysia), Chiba University, Kumamoto University, Meiji Pharmaceutical University, The University of Tokyo (Japan), Sydney University, University of Western Australia (Australia), University of Milan ( Italy), University of Wisconsin (USA), Technical University of Berlin, Technical University of Munich (Germany), and French Ensicaen.
  3. Industrial circles such as TOTAL Indonesie, Kimia Farma and Chandra Asri.

The Chemistry Doctoral Program consists of three stages, namely the preparatory stage, the research stage and the final stage. The preparation stage contains:

  1. Lectures and independent work (with a weight of 9 credits) for mastery of science and research techniques related to the research topic to be worked on
  2. Preparation of proposals
  3. Qualification test to determine whether the student can proceed to the research stage.

At the research stage students develop the ability to work independently in scientific research and communication. In the final stage students write a dissertation to be accounted for in the dissertation examination and promotion session.

Doctoral program students can choose a research topic in one of the following fields of chemistry:

  • Analytical Chemistry focuses on separation and speciation, electrometry and chemical applications in the environmental and industrial fields.
  • Physical Chemistry covering theoretical, computational, electrochemistry, and materials chemistry.
  • Inorganic Chemistry with a research focus on the synthesis and characterization of inorganic solids and coordination compounds.
  • Organic Chemistry which covers the topics of organic synthesis, organic chemistry of natural products to search for bioactive compounds and organic compounds with certain physical properties.
  • Biochemistry which includes the structure and function of cell components, cell metabolism, enzymatic processes, genetic information, and structural functions as well as thermostable enzyme metabolism.

You can see the curriculum list for the Doctor of Chemistry ITB program here.


The ITB Doctor of Chemistry program leaflet can be seen here.

The list of lecturers supporting the Doctoral Program in Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA ITB, can be seen here.

A list of scientific publications for Doctoral students in the Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA ITB can be seen here.