Kunjungan Shibaura Institute of Technology Jepang

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Kamis 15 desember 2011, bertempat di ruang kuliah 2104, program studi kimia ITB mendapat kunjuan tamu dari Shibaura Institute of Technology Jepang yaitu Prof. Dr. Eng Akito Takasaki yang menjabat sebagai direktur center for International Pragrams, Departement of Engineering Science and Mechanics.
Beliau menyampaikan kuliah hasil penelitiannya dengan judul Hydrogen Storage in Ti-based Quasicrystals. Rangkuman yang disampaikannya :
Numerous quasicrystals have been discovered since the report of the first quasicrystal in an aluminum alloy in 1984 by Prof. Shechtman, a Nobel winner for chemistry in 2011. All of these have a new type of translational long-range order and display non-crystallographic rotational symmetry, which are forbidden to the normal crystals.
In the lecture, a brief introduction to the quasicrystals (the difference between crystals and the quasicrystals) is firstly made, and then we discuss Ti-based quasicrystals, whose dominant cluster is a Bergman-type cluster possessing a large number of tetrahedral interstitial sites. These make these quasicrystals attractive as potential hydrogen storage materials because hydrogen atoms normally sit at such interstitial sites and Ti atoms have strong chemical affinity with hydrogen atoms.
Since I have investigated the hydrogenation of the quasicrystals by gaseous and electrochemical loading of hydrogen, I would like to overview our some recent results on Ti-based quasicrystals after gaseous and electrochemical hydrogenation. I mainly focus on maximum hydrogen loading capacity and discharge capacity for gaseous and electrochemical loading respectively, and phase variation before and after hydrogenation will be also mentioned. The comparison with some conventional metal hydrides and MH batteries will be also made.
Dalam kunjungan ini, beliau juga mengenalkan kampus Shibaura Institute of Technology pada para mahasiswa yang hadir. Shibaura Institute of Technology berdiri sejak 1927 dan memiliki tiga kampus yang tersebar di Shibaura, Omiya dan Toyosu. Institut ini memiliki 17 departemen di 3 college yang berbeda. selengkapnya di ttp://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/index_e.html
Dipaparkan juga Project Promoting System for Hybrid Twinning Program. Proyek ini merupakan program kombinasi Master dan doctoral program. Kerjasama ini juga diikuti juga oleh universitas teknik di asia tenggara yang tergabung dalam South East Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) yaitu ITB dan UGM di Indonesia, UTM di
Malaysia, SUT dan KMUTT di Thailand serta HUST dan HCMUT di Vietnam.

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